Not so happy stories
  Go Get em'
There's too many fucking people that get punished only a small percentage of what they should. Look at all these serial killers and child rapists that get sentenced to 25 or life, get out, and just pick up old habits where they left off. If a child is raped by a family member, the member of that family gets six years, and then is released back into society. It takes a true whore to screw a convicted rapist, so naturally these recently released predators are 'forced' to go hunting again. This downward spiral has to be averted. It's about time that someone, FUCK THE GOVERNMENT, should do something about this.


A town is shocked by the actions of one James
Massey, who for all intensive purposes of the word
'gutted' a man, then proceeded to fire several
rounds out of an M16 Carbine Assault rifle into four
other men associated with his first victim.
Massey did not try to run, he remained at the
scene of the crime and upon arrival of the police,
reportedly laid down his rifle, gently tossed the
clip towards officers and called out the time it took for
them to show up. He claims he stole the rifle from a local
military base. "I mugged some of those smug a** troops on
their f****** wimpy little weekend shoot. It's easy as s***
to take out troops when expecting to be under attack," Massey
Government records indicate that two casualties
have been experienced within the past week. The location
of these casualties was not overseas and still under
Massey also claimed that there are now a few more
weapons on the black market circulation list. When asked
for motive he simply said "Because they were A**holes."

Court Hearing November 23rd, 9:00AM - Lawyer - Issued by the province

He consulted me briefly.
"Look, if you want to get this over with nice and simple, just plead insanity. This trial will be over by lunch."
"What would happen to me?"
"Well, you murdered five guys cold blooded, so you're gonna be pretty fuckin lucky if you get all of your time in a padded cell"

The Trial

Bailiff : All Rise, Court is now in session.
Judge B. Robertson, enters the room
Judge : Be seated. I would first off feel it necessary to state that the crimes of the man before me have already been unsettling, and I can only hope that this man, if convicted, gets what he deserves. You are facing charges with three accounts of assault on government officials,a stunning seventeen counts of theft of government property ,five counts of murder in the first degree, and one account of cruel and unusual incapacitation. How do you plead?
Me : I plead guilty your honor.
Judge : To all of the previously mentioned crimes?
Me : Yes, all of them.
Judge : Normally Mr. Massey, I would end this hearing here and send the jury to unanimously decide your fate, but your motive confuses me. To take the lives of five men because because you claim, they were assholes. Normally someone would only scrutinize vocally as opposed to murdering them. There are many ways to cope with people, and you are going to have to learn that sooner rather than later. What do you have to say about the crimes you have commited?
Me : There's people in this world that don't deserve to live, the one's that you guys haven't caught, that are still out there, waiting to commit thier next crime against humanity, and theres also a lot of ones that have been caught for something they should have been killed for, yet somehow they maintain thier freedom to life, and comfort and everything a law abiding citizen is free to do. I was just taking out the trash i guess you could say. Hey, i just saved the justice system five future cases.
Judge : That you did Mr. Massey, but thier crimes would have been exploited at one time or another, they would have gotten caught at some point in time if you had not interfered with thier lives. This system is around for a reason, it helps our society run smoothly and it has been for some time now. Although your vigalante approach is somewhat honorable, even a phone call to the police could have gotten them to possibly change thier ways.
Me : True, your honor. Very true.
Judge : Would anyone else like to have a say in this case?
My Lawyer : Other than the truth just sounds right, no your honor
State Lawyer : The state does have some suggestions about punishment, these reports were obviously made before the vigalante attempt had been reckognized.

State Lawyer raises report to judge
Judge : Approach the bench

State Lawyer approaches the bench and hands the judge the report

Judge : This is not suggestions, and this is not possible. We cannot reenact the death penalty for one case, and this could not possibly be up to me.
State : But your honor, why would someone like him deserve to live. He talks about these predators like they are a foreign and unknown thing to him. He himself has imposed a crime on humanity, and he himself agrees that he should be killed.
Judge : Although this is true, there is nothing i can do at this current moment to enforce such a law. The sentence is twenty-five to life at the prison just up the road a bit. Enjoy you're stay.
Me :I will your honor.
Judge :This hearing is adjourned
Bailiff :(whispers) Sir, you (inaudible) the jury
Judge : I'm sure it would have been unanimous

Establish the territory

It's about time. I'm on the bus, they shipped me out of the court and onto it right after the axe went down. I give it a few years before i even attempt to break out. When he said, up the road a bit, he truly meant it. About ten minutes later the bus stops, the sound of gates opening outside, moving, and then closing. Don't worry, learn to enjoy captivity. Make friends with your solitary confinement walls, try and sneak some chalk up the ass and decorate a little, anything to make it feel like home. 'Off the fuckin bus' The piggy yells from upfront after two others came and unlocked the chains. I shuffle off and get escorted through some metal doors, and then a left, and another set of metal doors, and then a right, and about ten minutes later and six doors later we came out onto a catwalk, about forty prison cells line the wall, and each wall around the entire building, at the base of the building there were benches and other apparatus, lunch tables and the cafeteria. The place was pretty quiet, people were just sort of milling around. A few guys in their cells came up and gave me fucked up looks, like they were gonna try something as soon as they could. But hell, that's what i wanted. My cell was right in the center, twenty one, on the eastern side of the prison. 'Get the fuck in there, dinner at five thirty, revelee is five thirty too, get yer food in ya boy, it's fucking hard in here the first month or so.' 'I'm sure it is there officer' I said with a little half assed salute, turning my back and hearing the gate close behind me.

Dinner time. A buzzer goes off, all the cops start yelling and the cell doors open up. everyone steps out and turns to the right and down a set of stairs in the north east corner of the building. it leads to a corridor that leads down to the southern wall and opens up into the bottom level. everyone turned and took their trays from the nearby cart, and stood in line. 'Did you just take my spot?' A voice from behind me asks. I turn around and come face to face with a guy, about the same size as me, built like a brick house. I had some meat on me, but man, this guy was a good five feet around, and it didn't look like fat. 'Me?' 'I'm looking fuckin right at you, course i'm talking to you you fuck, now get the fuck outta my spot 'fore i shove this fuckin tray up you're fuckin ass.' 'Me?' I asked again, this time with a little smile. 'Fuck this shit mother fucker' The guy yells and swings his tray at my face, i duck and smash the edge of my tray on the inside of his right kneecap, his leg buckles a bit and i take the oppourtunity to bring the other edge of my tray directly into his genitals. He lets out a little gasp of air and just lets his right leg give out. I stand up and see the guards running at me, they tackle me and beat me a little, i didn't resist, so no pepper spray or cattle prods. I didn't think i was ready for it yet. So, my first trip to solitary and i didn't even get dinner. I needed some sleep anyways. I used my pants as a pillow, and tried to stay in the center of the room, the floor had a slight curve in it so all the piss would roll to the sides, but it's pretty fuckin obvious that there wasn't a spot in that little box that hadn't been soiled by some human extract. About forty four hours later I got to experience the joy of prison showers, grimey floors and cold water, about forty showers in a room, and two doors on either side. There was a guard on duty at both sides, they just stood outside and looked in through a 12x12 glass window. I had a plan for what I was going to do to some of these dumb fucks that tried anything in there, but nothing came, but there will be other showers. It was dinner time again, this time I decided food would be good. I waited in line, no one said anything, received my first prison dinner, a slop that looked like stew if you squinted your eyes, mashed potatoes that were so bleach white they were almost see-through, and a spoonful of thick red sauce with a few strands of spaghetti in it. Regardless, it was a meal.

With my energy partially restored, I figured it was time to make my name known. Looking around at the hundred and fifty some odd cons in the room at the time, I looked for any that stood out. One thing I didn’t mention prior to this is that there are some people that are actually worth hunting down as opposed to figuring out why they deserve to die as they come along.
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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I suddenly became strangely inebriated. The external world became changed as in a dream. Objects appeared to gain inrelief; they assumed unusual dimensions; and colors became more glowing. Even self-perception and the sense of time were changed. When the eyes were closed, colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing kaleidoscope. After a few hours, the not unpleasant inebriation, which had been experienced whilst I was fully conscious, disappeared. what had caused this condition? ----------------------- - Albert Hofmann - -------------------------- - I'm here to share my stories, to give and get feedback from aspiring and established writers. I love jammin on my guitar, writing stories with despicably horrible endings, embracing my lover Mary Jane, chillin with friends, walking around downtown t.o. drunk at two in the morning, reading twisted literature, and basically finding out as much unusual shite as i possibly can.

"If you find any of this hard to read, I apologize, but have to warn you, there's more. "

Telepathetic : A Blogstory

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