Not so happy stories
  The Stranger - III - Alternate Methods
A few hours had passed and the craving had become impossible to postpone any longer. There were still too many people in the streets. He found a public restroom; there were two stalls adjacent to three urinals. The stranger waited in that stall. He only had to wait a few minutes before the sound of footsteps approached, the door creaked open and the sound of a belt buckle coming undone.

The stranger was waiting for a stroke of magnificent luck, which he received. The man used the urinal closest to the adjoined stall. His feet were visible, the stranger bent down and reached for his ankles. The man heard the stranger move towards him. “What the fuck? Who’s in there?” Silence. He had not completely relieved himself and concentrated on finishing the task in hand.

He stared down at his feet and leaned over slightly to see something through the gap. Just as the man had convinced himself that he was drunk and just hearing things the stranger grabbed his left ankle, twisted and pulled the man’s leg underneath the stall, grinding the skin off of his shin. He smashed the man’s leg upwards and into the wall, reversing the natural bend at the knee.

The man screamed in pain as the stranger pulled the rest of his body under the stall. As the man lay on his back he stared up through wincing eyes and say the stranger; gun metal grey eyes piercing through his target, wild with the anticipation of blood soon to be spilled.

“Please don’t hurt me; I’ll give you anything you want! Just stop! Please!” The man yelled. The stranger smiled slightly and pushed the man’s head out from under the stall. He grabbed his arms and pulled up. The man’s throat was crushed into the wall and he began to struggle. The stranger pulled harder on the arms; pops and cracks could be heard coming from his shoulder blades, elbows and neck. A moment later the sound of tearing flesh as his arms had begun to separate from the torso.

The man attempted to scream but it came out only as a gurgle, his trachea was completely collapsed. The stranger tossed the arms into the next stall and watched his victim convulse. The man’s eyes were wide open but unseeing. He stared at the ceiling experiencing truly blinding pain. The stranger bent down and placed his hands on the man’s chest. He grabbed the loose flesh and tore away large pieces of skin, then the muscle and finally he tore the man’s ribcage open.

A beating heart bloodily presented itself; it was slowing down rapidly. Upon sight the stranger embraced the organ and tore it from the chest cavity. The man convulsed underneath the stranger as he inspected the heart. It was still beating faintly; he held it above his head and let some of the blood drip onto his tongue. He squeezed and crushed his prize. He had been fulfilled once again.

He tried to wash off some of the blood but it was everywhere, in his ragged long hair, all over his tattered clothes, it would be very hard to evade incarceration if someone were to see him exiting the restroom. He managed to slip out unnoticed, leaving bloody footprints for a few feet and then vanishing into the alleyways once again.

His cravings did not come back for a few hours, but when they did the stranger was offset. It angered him to know that he was going to have to take yet another easy life. He knew the next person he came into contact with would plead and cry just like all the rest. It made his blood boil, he needed another challenge but his cravings had superseded this goal. He just needed to get his hands on anyone.

With clenched fists the stranger marched through the alleyways. A drunken homeless man was bending over and puking into a garbage can. He heard the stomp of boots approaching him and turned around to see the stranger coming closer and closer.

“What the fuck you want?” He screamed. “Godfuckingdammit answer me you piece of shit! I’ll tear you to pieces” I’ll rip your eyes out!” The man drunkenly lunged at the stranger. He got a hold of his hair and tore out a large patch. He began punching, a fury of fists landing on the stranger’s face. He did not defend himself, this unexpected aggression pleased a part of him. This man was ready to die fighting, a very rare occurrence to the stranger. He watched the man try to destroy him. His fists had broken open on the stranger’s teeth, blood spattered all around. The stranger felt a few of his teeth loosen and begin to float around in his mouth. He decided the man had had his turn.

“I’ll kill you!” He screamed as he wound up for what was hoped to be the end-all punch. As he swung the stranger ducked and maneuvered behind the man. He grabbed him by the back of his neck and pointed him towards a wall about ten feet away. He ran at the wall and with all his force smashed the man’s face into it. He repeatedly drove the man’s face into the wall until he had passed out.

As his unconscious body lay on the ground the stranger got on top of him and began punching. Blood continued to spatter the walls with each punch. He began hitting harder; he could feel the skull start to give out. Harder still, the man’s face had started to cave in. He did not stop until there was no possibility of recognition, all that remained was skull fragments and the pulverized brain leaking through broken skin.
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- explicit, pessimistic and as graphic as possible -

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

I suddenly became strangely inebriated. The external world became changed as in a dream. Objects appeared to gain inrelief; they assumed unusual dimensions; and colors became more glowing. Even self-perception and the sense of time were changed. When the eyes were closed, colored pictures flashed past in a quickly changing kaleidoscope. After a few hours, the not unpleasant inebriation, which had been experienced whilst I was fully conscious, disappeared. what had caused this condition? ----------------------- - Albert Hofmann - -------------------------- - I'm here to share my stories, to give and get feedback from aspiring and established writers. I love jammin on my guitar, writing stories with despicably horrible endings, embracing my lover Mary Jane, chillin with friends, walking around downtown t.o. drunk at two in the morning, reading twisted literature, and basically finding out as much unusual shite as i possibly can.

"If you find any of this hard to read, I apologize, but have to warn you, there's more. "

Telepathetic : A Blogstory

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